Learning how to learn

The most effective, cutting-edge learning techniques that you can apply to your daily life. Learn more →

Woman standing on a rock looking into the distance, her face is hidden by wind blown hair.

The main problem with education

Whether it's at school or university, the one thing no one ever teaches you is how to teach yourself. We often just end up drilling specific exercises and mindlessly memorizing information so that when exam time comes around, we pass the test. But once the test is over, that information has outlived its usefulness, and there's no guarantee that information will be retained. In the end, we're really just learning how to pass our tests.

Here's the real question: does this approach of repetition and memorization help us truly understand the subject material? The academic consensus nowadays is that it doesn't. In fact, what's more important than any individual topic is knowing how to study, but for some reason, this point is often overlooked. So, what can we do to remedy this?

Well, there are various techniques and exercises that can be applied to the educational process to help make it more efficient and engaging. Keep scrolling to uncover some of the secrets of effective learning.

Learning Techniques

Five Strategies from Barbara Oakley

  • Attention

    Two Ways of Thinking

    Deep understanding comes from being able to toggle back and forth between focused and diffused thinking.

  • recall


    Improving your ability to remember key bits of information helps to connect different parts of the brain.

  • interleaving


    When you learn multiple skills at the same time, they reinforce each other.

  • question


    When listening to your teacher, think up a good question, something that you're really itching to know.

  • competence

    Illusion of Competence

    Test yourself, write it down, tell other people, and repeat the process in different settings. Only then can you be truly certain you've understood something.

TED Talks

For lovers of procrastination

Barbara Oakley's Story

Math didn't come naturally to Barbara in childhood. She thought of herself as more of a humanities person, and not a brilliant one at that. With an eye to becoming a linguist, after school she enlisted in the army, who sent her to learn Russian. After several years of service, during which she rose to the rank of Captain, Barbara left the army and decided to study engineering. In was during this time that she developed her learning methodology as she was forced to reprogram her brain for a different kind of learning. It turns out that when something doesn't come naturally to you, having to work hard to gain the knowledge that other people may get at first glance gives you a deeper, more comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

The Feynman Technique

Learn more without forgetting

More →

Facts and Figures

On learning and the brain

  • 86 billion

    The number of nuerons in the human brain

  • 2.1 billion

    The number of adults with low proficiency

    World Bank, 2017

  • 1,000 terbytes

    Human information storage capcity

  • 500 trillion

    The number of nerve synapses responsible for learning in an adult human

  • 420 million

    The number of adults under 25 with insufficient education for finding employment

    World Bank, 2017

  • 17 - 20 years old

    Peak learning age

  • 1885

    Development of the forgetting curve

  • 1887

    Publication of Ivan Pavlov's reasearch on classical conditioning

Salman Khan

The One World Schoolhouse

Sal Khan's passion and innovation is transforming learning for millions of students worldwide. The One World Schoolhouse is a must-read for all who are committed to improving education so students everywhere can gain the skills and knowledge to be successful in school, careers and life.

George Lucas


Blue triangle spinning clockwise slowly

Ten principles of rapid skill aquisition

by Josh Kaufman

  • 1

    Choose a lovable project.

  • 2

    Focus your energy on one skill at a time.

  • 3

    Define your target performance level.

  • 4

    Deconstruct the skill into sub-skills.

  • 5

    Obtain critical tools.

  • 6

    Eliminate Barriers to practice.

  • 7

    Make dedicated time for practice.

  • 8

    Create fast feedback loops.

  • 9

    Practice by the clock in short bursts.

  • 10

    Emphasize quantity and speed.

Useful resources

Further materials on learning techniques and hacks.